Home > Supply Chain Finance Management > Working with SCF > Credit and debit note > Creating a debit note
In the vendor workflow, the anchor client issues a debit note to the vendor, to reconcile the invoice, if it is not expected to make a payment against the same owing to a discount or dispute.
· Debit note can be created by the anchor client.
· Once the debit note is sent, it can be viewed by the counter party.
1. Navigate to SCF.
2. Click Invoice Center >> Debit Notes. The Debit Note page displays the list of existing debit notes.
3. Click Create Debit Note. The Debit Note Entry page is displayed.
4. Specify if you want a Create Debit Note As Buyer or As Seller.
5. Select the required Package from the displayed list.
6. Click Next. The Debit Note Details page is displayed.
7. Specify the following details:
• Unique ID: Specify a unique reference number to identify the debit note.
• Buyer/Seller: Select the vendor/ dealer name.
• Amount: Specify the amount.
• Invoice Number: Select the invoice number against which the credit note is being generated. This is an optional field, and if no value is selected, one credit note can get reconciled against multiple invoices.
• Invoice O/S Amnt: Displays the outstanding invoice amount. If the invoice is selected, the value in the Amount field should be <= the Invoice O/s Amount.
• Remarks: Specify remarks.
8. Click Save to save the changes.
9. Click Next to submit the debit note for approval.
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