The Sweep Agreement Schedule page enables you to create a new schedule or modify the existing schedule for a sweep agreement.
1. Navigate to Liquidity >> Sweeping.
2. Click Agreement Scheduling. The Agreement Scheduling page is displayed.
3. Click Create New Schedule and specify the following details:
• Company Name: The Company Name is auto displayed.
If you have access rights to multiple companies, select the required company name.
• Priority: Specify the priority for the schedule.
If there are two agreements scheduled at the same time, agreement with lower priority gets executed first followed by agreement with next priority.
• Agreement Code: Search and select the required agreement code. Agreement Name is auto displayed based on the selected code.
• Frequency Type: Select the required frequency of the schedule to be executed. The following are the available options:
– Regular: Select regular frequency type to create a schedule for an agreement.
– Sweep Back: Select sweep back frequency type to create a schedule to roll back the regular agreement executions.
– Contribution Reset: Select contribution reset frequency type to reset the inter account position limit in the agreement schedule.
• Reference Time: The agreement is executed at the selected reference time. You can choose from timings in slots of 15 minutes from the drop-down list, End Of Day (EOD), and Beginning of Day (BOD).
• Balance Type: Select the Balance Type of an account that should be considered for sweep using the schedule being defined. The available options are:
– Book: Select the balance type as book balance to execute the agreement using account ledger balance.
– Available: Select the balance type as available balance to execute the agreement using account available balance.
4. Specify the following sweep schedule parameters:
• Frequency: Select the required frequency for the schedule to be executed from the following options:
– Daily: Select Daily and specify the recurrence in number of days between 2 sweeps.
– Weekly: Select Weekly and select the day of the week on which the sweep should repeat along with the recurrence in number.
– Monthly: Select Monthly and specify the date on which sweep should repeat along with the recurrence in number of weeks. You also have an option to select End of month or Last Friday Of Month.
• Holiday Rescheduling: Select the required Holiday Rescheduling from the following available options:
– Prev Business Day: Agreement execution is pre-poned to the previous business day, if execution is scheduled on a holiday. (applicable only for Weekly and Monthly frequencies).
– Next Business Day: Agreement execution is post-poned to the next business day, if execution is scheduled on a holiday. (applicable only for Weekly and Monthly frequencies).
– Skip: Agreement is completely skipped and not executed on a holiday, if this option is selected. (applicable only for Daily EOD frequencies).
• Schedule Start Date: Select the Schedule Start Date on which you want to start the agreement execution.
• Next Execution Date: The Next Execution Date is auto-calculated and displayed based on the set parameters and is non-editable.
5. Click Verify to verify the scheduled agreement execution.
6. Click Submit to submit. The agreement schedule is approval pending.
For more information about approval and possible actions, see Approving an agreement schedule.
Approving an agreement schedule
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