

Creating an approval matrix workflow

Approval matrix workflow enables you to create a relation amongst an approval matrix, a payment package, and accounts.

To create an approval matrix workflow

1.     Navigate to Payment.

2.     Click Approval Workflow. A list of matrix workflows is displayed.

3.     From the Select dropdown, click Modify Record corresponding to the workflow.

4.     Select the Default workflow.

5.     If you select the default workflow as Maker-Checker, the Number of Approvers field becomes mandatory.  

This ensures that the specified number of checkers must approve the batch or transaction, before it moves to next level.

6.     You can also select the Allow Maker as Checker option. It enables a maker to approve a transaction created or submitted for approval.

7.     Click Update. You can now create the following relations with the approval matrix:


Customizing approval type for accounts

Customizing approval type for packages

Customizing approval type for package and account combination


Following is example of Approval Matrix Workflow:












Customizing approval type for accounts

1.     Click Add button above the grid.

2.     Select the Account Name.

3.     Select the Authorization Matrix that you want to associate with the workflow.

If you select authorization matrix as Maker - Checker, the Number of Approvers field becomes mandatory.

4.     Click Save.


Following is example of Add Approval Matrix to Account:








Customizing approval type for packages

1.     Click Add button above the grid.

2.     Select the Payment package Name.

3.     Select the Authorization Matrix that you want to associate with the workflow.

 If you select authorization matrix as Maker - Checker, the Number of Approvers field becomes mandatory.

4.     Click Save.


Following is example of Add Approval Matrix to Package:













Customizing approval type for package and account combination

1.     Click Add button above the grid.

2.     Select the required Payment package Name.

3.     Select the required Account Name.

4.     Select the Authorization Matrix that you want to associate with the workflow.

 If you select authorization matrix as Maker - Checker, the Number of Approvers field becomes mandatory.

5.     Click Save.

6.     Click Next to verify the specified details and Submit the approval matrix workflow.

After submitting a single or batch transaction for approval, Fusion Cash Management (FCM) first checks the approval matrix for the package-account combination in the Approval Workflow. If it exists, FCM enforces the settings, otherwise, FCM checks for package level settings, followed by account level settings, and then followed by default settings.

Following is example of Add Approval Matrix to Package Account:



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