You can set up rules for reconciliation.
1. Navigate to SCF.
2. Click Reconciliation Rules. The Reconciliation Rules page displays the list of existing rules.
3. Click Create Reconciliation Rule. The Reconciliation Rule Entry page is displayed.
4. Specify the following details:
• Company Name: Company name is auto-displayed for a user having single company access rights. A user having access rights to multiple company can choose from the list of applicable companies.
• Rule Description: Specify the description of the rule.
• Rule Priority: Specify the rule priority for the Fusion Cash Management to understand the queue of rules.
• SCF Package: Select the SCF package to which this rule is applicable.
• Receivable Package: Select the Receivable product from the dropdown.
• Limit Matching Amount Based on: Specify the enrichment column detail to limit the maximum amount that will be considered for reconciliation.
5. Click Save.
You can add rule details using Add Rule
Details option. Once you click Save, the Add Rule Details option is enabled.
6. Click Next to verify and submit the reconciliation rule for approval.
1. Click Add Rule Details. The Rule Details popup window is displayed.
2. Specify following details:
• Match Type: Specify the matching types, the values are, Matching or Near Matching.
• Tolerance: In case of Near Matching, specify the tolerance level for matching the Invoice Amount with the receipt amount.
• Invoice Field: In case of Exact Matching, specify whether the reconciliation will be based on the transaction fields or enrichment fields.
• Field Name: In case of Exact Matching, specify the Invoice Field name which will be for matching with receipt.
• Operator: In case of Exact Matching, specify the operation types; Fixed Value or Equal to. In case of Fixed Value, specify the value in the value column to be used for reconciliation and in case of ‘Equal To’, specify the receipt fields details which will be for reconciliation.
• Receipt Field: In case of Exact Matching, specify whether the reconciliation will be based on the transaction fields or enrichment fields.
• Field Name: In case of Exact Matching, specify the Receipt Field name that will be for matching with invoice.
3. Click Add.
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