The File Upload feature allows you to upload the files. You can filter the uploaded files using Saved Filters and Import Date (Latest) criteria. You can also create More (advanced) filters, as required. To clear the pre-defined filter settings, click Clear Filters.
Click the icon on the summary page to customize the grid settings. Fusion Cash Management enables you can generate a PDF report of the summary information. Also, you can export the summary information to the required format such as XLS, CSV, and TSV.
If you want to export the header details, select the With Header check box.
1. Navigate to Reports.
2. Click File Upload. The File Upload page is displayed.
3. Click Import File.
4. Specify the following details:
• File Format Type: Select the required File Format Type. This list comprises all pre-loaded file formats available for the client. These include the map codes attached to a client.
Based on the selected File Format Type, other filter options are displayed.
If you select Payments - CCD Corporate Payments as file format type, you need to specify additional information for Payment Method, Payment Product, and Sending Account.
• Choose File: Select a file from your network, using the Choose File option. If you are specifying the name of the file, specify the absolute path.
5. Click Upload.
6. Once the file is uploaded successfully, it is listed on the Payment Center with status as Draft.
7. If the file upload is failed or the transactions in a file gets aborted, it appears on the File Upload page with the remarks. To view the Reject Repair report, click Under Repair under Action.
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