

Marking exceptions

The bank reconciles the data received in issuance files with the checks presented for payment. In case of discrepancies, the bank generates the Exception File, which is delivered to Fusion Cash Management (FCM). The exception items are then made available at scheduled intervals for the entitled corporate users to make a decision – Pay or Return.


Using the Positive Pay Decision page, the corporate user can view exceptions and take decision on Positive Pay or ACH Exception.

For positive pay decision

1.     Navigate to Checks >> Positive Pay.

2.     Click Decision. The Decision page is displayed.

3.     Select the required exception issuance record and click Pay.
Select the required exception issuance record and click Return.

4.     Click Submit to submit the exception issuance for approval.

Pay or Return action may need approval as per the workflow.


Page element


Customizing summary page

Using the  icon, you can customize the summary page for Rows per Page and Table Size.  For more information, see Summary information.

Refresh Data

Using the  icon, you can refresh the data on the summary page.


You can narrow down the required definitions using the Saved Filters and Issuance Date filter criteria. To see a sample image of Filter section, Click here.


To clear pre-defined filter settings, click Clear Filters.

For more information about creating a new filter, see Creating a new filter

Summary Information

Summary information displays Pending Decision and Action Taken on the issuance.

Group by

The existing issuance definitions are listed on the grid.

Possible Decision Actions for Positive Pay

Select the required issuance and perform the required action. The available options are:


       Pay: Mark an exception issuance as Pay.

       Return: Mark an exception issuance as Return with Decision Reason.

       Submit: Submit an exception issuance that marked as Pay. Verify the details on the Decision Submit Review popup and click Submit.

       Approve: A user with the relevant rights can approve the pay or return action.

       Reject: Reject the Pay or Return request. Specify the reject remark on the popup and click OK.

       Reset: Reset all the actions taken on the exception issuance.

Select dropdown

Enables you to perform following actions:

       View Record: View the issuance details.

       View History: View history of creation and approval.

       View Image: View the check details in the image format.


·        When you click View Image, front side of the check image is displayed. click the Flip Over button to see back side of the check image, and vice versa.

·         Alternatively, you can right click on a row to perform these action. When you single click on a row, the relevant page is displayed. To generate a report of individual transaction, click the Report Button on the Positive Pay Decision popup.

Selection box

Select the check box and perform the requisite action on the role.

Pagination bar

Use to navigate through the list by using the pagination bar.


You can export the summary information to the required format such as XLS, CSV, and TSV.

If you want to export with header details, select the With Header check box.


You can generate a PDF report of the summary information.


Enables you to set the number of records to be displayed on a single page.


To approve decision

1.     Navigate to Checks >> Positive Pay.

2.     Click Decision. The Decision page is displayed.

3.     Select the required issuance decision to approve.

4.     Click Approve. Verify the details on the Decision Approve Review popup and click Approve.

·        FCM displays a confirmation message while approving the transaction based on the configuration in the Configuring Services.

·        You can reject the decision by clicking Reject.


Following is example of Decision page:

Where to go from here

Importing pass through files


© 2017-19 Finastra International Limited, or a member of the Finastra group of companies (“Finastra”). All Rights Reserved.
Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
