Fusion Cash Management allows you to define a preferred name for the accounts that are used for balance reporting purposes. You can also create an account group and link an account to the group.
1. Navigate to Accounts >> Account configuration. The Account Configuration page displays accounts that are assigned to you and are registered with bank for balance reporting purposes.
2. Click Modify Record from the Select drop-down to the account that you want to rename and add to a group. The Edit Account Configuration page is displayed.
3. The Client Name, Account Number, and Account Name fields are non-editable. These fields provide information about the logged-in client and account configuration.
4. Specify the required Account Nickname to identify the account.
5. Specify a Group name to link the selected account to the group.
List of group is user specific and must
be maintained with the user.
6. Specify the Lower Warning Limit Amount and Higher Warning Limit Amount.
7. Click Update and Next to verify the specified details.
8. Click Submit.
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