

Specifying interface details and format details

Interface Details

1.     Specify the Interface Name to identify the interface.

2.     The Category and Product Code are auto-displayed.

3.     Select the required Upload Type for which the custom interface is to be created. The available options are Transaction Import, Payment File Upload, and Issuance Upload.

Format Details

1.     Select the required Format for custom interface. The available formats are:

       Delimited File Format

      Delimiter:  Select the field separator for the data file. The options are - Comma (,)Pipe (|) and Others. If you select Others, specify the value in the corresponding text box (For example, * ).

      Qualifier: A qualifier is used to differentiate between the delimiter value from the same value appearing in the data file. Select the qualifier from the options-

Double Quote ("), Comma (,), Quote ('), and Other for the file format. If you select Others, specify the value in the corresponding text box.


Delimiter = Comma

Qualifier = Double Quote

Data: 12345,  98,765, USD  (where 98,765 is the amount)

In the file format the qualifier (") will be used to differentiate the comma in the amount and the comma used as the field separator:

12345, 98","765, USD

       Fixed Width File Format

2.     Select the required option to Import Line Offset.

       Start From Line: Specify the particular line number from which the system should start interface processing.

       Start From Position: Specify the particular position of the line from which the system should start interface processing.

3.     Click Save and Next.


Following is example of Interface Details:









Where to go from here

         Specifying filter parameter list


© 2017-19 Finastra International Limited, or a member of the Finastra group of companies (“Finastra”). All Rights Reserved.
Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
