

Viewing deposit items

The Deposit Items page displays the list of items within a deposit.

To view items in a deposit

1.     Navigate to Accounts >> Imaging >> Deposit Items. The Advance Filter page is displayed.

2.     Specify the required filter criteria. The available options include Posting Date, Deposit Account, and Filter (operator for Deposit Ticket, Serial Number, Deposit Amount, and Item Sequence Number).

You can select Saved Filter to display relevant records.

3.     Specify the Filter Name to uniquely identify this filter.

4.     Click Save Filter to save the filter for future use or click Search to search using this filter. A list of relevant deposit items is displayed on the Item Details page.

You can narrow down the required records using the Company, Saved Filters, Deposit Account, and Posting Date filter criteria on the Deposit Items page.

5.     Click Select dropdown and then click View Image to view the item details in image format.

·        When you click Image, front side of the check image is displayed. Click the Flip Over button to see back side of the check image, and vice versa.

·        Click Print button to print the check details.


Following is example of Deposit Items:



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