

Viewing inbox messages

You can view the messages sent by the financial institution. You can also compose a new message using various assigned message forms.


1.     Navigate to Messages >> Message Center.

2.     Click Inbox. The Message Center page is displayed.  

3.     Click the  icon to customize the columns and column order. For more information, see Summary information.


Page element



You can narrow down the required definitions using the Message Date criterion.

To see a sample image of Filter section, Click here.


To clear pre-defined filter settings, click Clear Filters.

Group by

Displays the messages according to selected message form.


The various actions that are possible on a particular message are:

       Delete: You can delete the selected message.

       Unread: You can mark the message as unread.  

Selection box

Select the check box and perform the requisite action on the message.

Select dropdown

Enables you to perform following actions:

       View Record: Views message details.

       Reply: Enables to respond to the corresponding message.

       Resolve: Enables to mark a message as resolved.

       Unread: Enables you to mark the message unread.

Pagination bar

Enables you to navigate through the pages by using the pagination bar.


Enables you to create a new message by selecting a message form.


You can export the summary information to the required format such as XLS, CSV, and TSV.

If you want to export header details, select the With Header check box.


You can generate a PDF report of the summary information.


Enables you to set the number of records to be displayed on a single page.


Following is example of Message Center:


Related topic



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