

Creating a new filter

Fusion Cash Management (FCM) enables you to customize a filter to search for certain information. This reduces the time and effort to select a set of filters every time you log in FCM.

To create a new filter

1.     Navigate to Payments.

2.     Click Payment Center.

3.     Click More Filters under the Filter section on the summary page.

4.     Select the Company Name for which the filter is to be created.

5.     Select the required Payment Type and Payment Package.

You can Check all payment types and payment packages at a time.

6.     Select the Sending Account #.

7.     Search and select Template Name.

8.     You can select the following options for Entry Date:



       This Week

       Last Week to Date

       This Month

       Last Month to Date

       Last Month Only

       This Quarter

       Last Quarter to Date

       This Year

       Last Year to Date

9.     Search and select the File Name that is uploaded.

10.  If you want to specify other filter criteria, click the More Criteria link.

11.  Search and select the Entry User.

Alternatively, you can type and select the Entry User.

12.  Select the required Status to narrow down the transactions.

13.  You can select the following operators and specify the Amount:

       Less than

       Greater than

       Equal To


14.  Select Effective Date.

15.  Select the required Channel to narrow down the transactions.

16.  Search and select the Receiver Name.

17.  Search and select the Ordering Party Name.

Applicable for wire payments only.

18.  Specify the Payment Reference to narrow down the transactions.

19.  Select the following check boxes as required:

       Debit: Include debit transactions in the search.

       Credit: Include credit transactions in the search.

20.  Specify the Receiver ID to narrow down the transactions.

21.  Select the Company ID.

You can Check all Company IDs at a time.

22.  You can specify the required Sorting using the ascending or descending links.

23.  Select the following:

       All: Include all transactions based on the selected criteria.

       Show Reversal: Include only reversal transactions based on the selected criteria.

The Reversal option is applicable for ACH only.  

24.  Select the following:

       All: Include all transactions.

       Only Confidential: Include only confidential transactions.

25.  Select the following:

       All: Include all currencies.

       Only Cross Currency: Include only cross currency transactions.

26.  Select the following:

       All: Include all transactions.

       Show PreNotes: Include only those transactions that indicates a zero transaction and validates the bank details before sending a transaction with an actual amount.

This feature is not applicable for Account Transfer.

27.  Specify the Filter Name to uniquely identify this filter.

28.  Select the Save Filter check box to save the filter for future use or click Search to search using this filter. The saved filters are listed in the Select Saved Filter drop-down.

Click Clear to clear or reset the values in the filter options.


Following is example of Filter section:



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Working with Payments


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Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
