

Creating single payments

You can create single payments from the Payment Center.


For a payment in Fusion Cash Management, the payment package that you select determines the payment workflow.


Single payment is an effective and quick way of making a one-time payment by specifying the required details using the Fusion Cash Management (FCM) UI.

To create a single payment

The general steps involved in creating payments are:

1.     Navigate to Payments.

2.     Click Payment Center. The Payment Center page is displayed.

3.     Click Single Payment.

4.     Select the required company name for initiating the payment.

If you have access to multiple subsidiaries, company name drop down is displayed.

5.     You can create a single payment using either of the following methods:


       One Time Payment


       Multiple Wire Templates

You can select one of the defined payment packages.

6.     Initiate a payment using the required payment type.

7.     FCM allows you to create the following types of single payments:

Using account transfer

Using international payments

Using interbank transfer

Using wires

Creating physical payments

Creating transfer requests

Making bill payments

8.     Verify and submit the payment for processing by the bank.


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