

Customer file mapping

A customer file mapping allows client users to view or modify the existing standard definitions.


1.     Navigate to Reports.

2.     Click Customer File Mapping. The Customer File Mapping page is displayed.

3.     Click the icon to customize the columns and column order. For more information, see Summary information.


Page element



You can narrow down the required definitions by using the Interface Name and Status filter criteria.

To see a sample image of Filter section, Click here.

The available status for the definitions are :





       Suspend Request Rejected


       Enable Request Rejected

       Enable Request

       Suspend Request



       New Rejected

       Modified Rejected


·        To clear pre-defined settings, click Clear Filters.

·        Retaining Filters: Selected filter values are retained for the period that you are logged in even when you navigate to other pages. Filters values are reset to default only after you logout of the system or clear filters.

Group By

The grid displays the details of the interfaces.


You can select an interface and take the required action on it. The available options are:

       Approve: Select the interface and click Approve to approve the interface.

       Reject: Rejects the selected interface.

       Enable: Enables the interface.

       Suspend: Suspend the interface.

       Submit: Submits the interface.

       Discard: Discards the latest action taken on the interface.

 Alternatively, you can right click on a row to perform these action. When you single click on a row, the details are displayed.

Selection box

Select the check box and perform the required action on the interfaces.

Select drop down

You can perform following activities:

       Modify Record: Use to modify the corresponding interface.

       View Record: View the interface details.

       View History: View history of creation and approval.

       Security Profile: Allows to specify security options for a particular interface.

The next actions to be taken on the definition are displayed in the drop-down list.

Pagination Bar

Use to navigate through the pages by using the pagination bar.

Create Custom Interface

Enables you to customize an existing interface. For more information, see Creating a custom interface.


Click to see/set number of records on a single page.


Following is example of Customer File Mapping:


Where to go from here

         Creating a custom interface


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Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
