You can add multiple instruments to a batch payment.
You can add multiple instruments to a batch.
1. Specify the following details:
• Receiving Account: Specify the account number in which the fund is to be received.
• Payment Currency: The payment currency is auto-populated. This field is non-editable.
• Payment Description: The payment description is auto-displayed.
You can edit the payment description.
• Payment Related Information: Specify the additional payment related information, if required.
• Payment Type Code: Select the required payment type code.
• Status: The status is auto-displayed.
2. Click Verify.
You can make payments to multiple accounts using a batch.
1. Click Add Accounts. The Add Accounts pop-up is appeared.
2. Select the check box next to the corresponding to the required account number and click Submit. The account is added to the Transactions grid.
3. Click Verify.
You can make payments to multiple accounts using a batch.
1. Click Use Transaction Wizard.
2. For more details about the fields for selected payment type, see Specifying account transfer payment details
3. Click Save.
To add multiple accounts, click Save and Add Another.
4. Click Verify.
You can upload a file containing multiple transactions.
1. Click Import Transactions. The Import Transactions pop-up is displayed.
2. Specify the following details:
• File Format Type: Select the type of file format from drop-down list.
• File Name: Click Choose File and select the file to be attached.
• Upload Options: Select the required option to upload a file. The available options are:
– Add
– Overwrite
– Update
3. Select the required File and click Import. A list of uploaded files is displayed on the payment details page.
4. Click Verify to verify and submit the batch payment template.
Verifying and submitting a batch payment template
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