Fusion Cash Managament (FCM) allows you to make a payment against existing invoices. The invoice contains payment for one or more obligations. You can filter the invoices using Company, Saved Filters, and Payment Due (by default Latest option is selected) criteria.
1. Navigate to Accounts >> Loans >> Invoices. The Invoices page is displayed.
2. Click the icon on the summary page to customize the grid settings, for more information see Summary Information. FCM enables you can generate a PDF report of the summary information. Also, you can export the summary information to the required format such as XLS, CSV, and TSV.
If you want to export the header details, select the With Header check box.
You can view the existing invoices, including:
• Invoice Number
• Obligor ID
• Obligation ID
• Payment Due
• Obligation Payment Due
• Total Invoice Due
• Status
You can view payments made against a particular invoice.
Form the Select dropdown, click View Payment.
You can make a payment for a particular invoice.
1. Form the Select drop-down, click Pay Invoice.
2. Specify the debit account details.
3. Click Next to go to Verify and Submit page.
1. Navigate to Accounts >> Loans >> Invoices.
2. Select the required invoice.
3. Click Approve.
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