

Viewing loan details

Fusion Cash Management (FCM) enables you to view and report on loan details and transaction information in online format. The Loan Center displays the details of the payment towards the balances, paydown, requests for advances, and invoices.


FCM Commercial Loan service provides a single view - Loan-Center to:


       Obtain a complete view of the liabilities/obligations of the client.

       View and approve all Paydown and Advance requests initiated from the Balance Reporting pages or created from Loan Center.

       View all the Loan related invoices presented by the bank, such as installments and interest, and initiate payment instructions for these Invoices.

       Manage (Add/Suspend/Enable/Discard) recurring payments for Paydown, Advance, and Invoice Payment.

       Provide summary information of all outstanding Loan/Invoices.


This section provides information about:


Viewing transaction summary

Viewing invoice

Viewing recurring payments


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Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
