

Viewing periodic summary

You can view periodic summary for each of the accounts.


1.     Navigate to Cashflow Forecast >> Forecast Summary.

2.     Click View Record under Select Dropdown to go to the Periodic Summary page.

3.     You can view the following information:

       Account Type

       Period From

       Period To

       Opening Balance

       Total Credits

       Total Debits

       Closing Balance


The periodic summary page enables you to perform the following function:

       Filter data using the Company Name, Account Number, Period Type (Daily, Weekly and Monthly), and Period (expectation).

       Download the information on the summary page into the XLS, CSV, TSV, and PDF formats.

       Use select drop down to view Transaction Summary for the selected period.

Computations of forecast

Computation of forecast is done for each of the account. Total of transactions for the selected period is displayed in the grid.


Column Name

Description / Derivation of amount using formula

Opening Balance

Displays the Opening Balance of the account on the start day of the selected period. If the user has the access to the Balance Reporting (BR) module, opening balance is derived from BR.


For next consecutive period, Opening balance = Closing Balance (of previous record) -

Total Debits (current period) + Total Credits (current period)

Total Credits

Displays the aggregate amount of all credit forecast amounts for the selected period.


For example,

If the period is selected as week and corresponding dates are selected.

Three credit transactions of USD 100 each are created for forecast with 100% Expectation, within the selected week.


Total Credit amount will be USD 300.

Total Debits

Displays the aggregate amount of all debit forecast amounts for the selected period.


For example,

If the period is selected as week and dates are selected.

Three Debit transactions of USD 50 each are created for forecast with 100% Expectation, within the selected week.


Total Credit amount will be USD 150.

Closing Balance

Opening Balance (if available) – Total Debits + Total Credits.


Following is example of Periodic Summary page:



Related topics

Viewing Forecast

Viewing transaction summary


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Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
