

Working with sweep agreement schedules

The Sweep Agreement Schedule Summary page enables you to create a new schedule for a sweep agreement. The existing schedules are also displayed in a grid on the Sweep Agreement Schedule Summary page. You can perform additional actions on an agreement schedule, including editing a schedule and viewing the history of a schedule.


To access the Agreement Scheduling summary page:

1.     Navigate to Liquidity >> Sweeping.

2.     Click Create New Schedule. The Agreement Scheduling summary page is displayed.

3.     Click icon to customize columns and column order. For more information, see Summary information.


The Summary Information page displays summarized transactions across various corporate accounts, based on the specified filter criteria. The Refresh icon refreshes the data on the summary page.



Page Element



You can narrow down to the required records by using Company Name, Agreement Code and Status.

Group by

The existing transactions are listed on the grid based on the selected group on the settings page.


You can select multiple agreements schedules and perform the required action. The available options are:


       Discard: Discards the last action performed on the agreement.

       Submit: Submits the transaction for approval.

       Approve: Select the definition and click Approve to approve the definition.

       Reject: Rejects the transaction created by another user.

       Send: Sends the agreement to the bank for processing.

Selection box

Select the check box corresponding to the transaction and perform the required action.

Select drop down

Enables you to perform the following actions on required single agreement:

       Modify Record: Modify the agreement.

       View Record: View the agreement details.

       View History: View the history of agreement creation and approval.

       Submit: Submit single agreement for the approval.

       Discard: Discards the last action performed on an agreement


·        Alternatively, you can right click on a row to perform these actions. When you single click on a row, the View or Modify page is displayed based on the status of the record.      

·        The next actions to be taken on the transaction are displayed in the drop-down list based on the status of the record.

Pagination Bar

Depending on the volume of data displayed in the list, the list can have one or more pages. You can navigate through the page by using the pagination bar.


Click to see or set number of records on a single page.



Following is example of Sweep Agreement Scheduling Summary page:



Related topics

Scheduling an agreement

Approving an agreement schedule


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Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
