

Configuring Accounts

Before using Fusion Cash Management (FCM) to view account balances and transaction details, you must configure FCM Balance Reporting.


1.     Navigate to Accounts >> Account Configuration. The Account Configuration page is displayed.

2.     Click the  icon to customize columns and column order. For more information, see Grid settings.


Page element



You can narrow down the required definitions by using the account number and account nickname filters criteria.

 To clear the pre-defined filter settings, click Clear Filters.

Group by

Displays status for which the records are displayed in the grid.


The various actions that are possible on a record are:

       Submit: Submit the record for approval.

       Approve: Select the record and click Approve to approve the record.

       Reject: Rejects the selected record.

       Enable: Enables the record for approval.

       Suspend: Suspend a record for further use.

       Discard: Discards the latest action taken on the record.

For more information about actions, see Additional action on setups.

Selection box

Select the check box to take the requisite action on the record.

Select dropdown

Enables you to perform following activities:

       Modify Record: Click modify record to rename the account and add it to the required group.

       View Record: Click to view the account details.

       View History: Click to view the history of account configuration and approval.

The next actions to be taken on the definition are displayed in the drop-down list.

Pagination bar

Depending on the volume of data displayed in the list, the list can have one or more pages. You can navigate through the list by using the pagination bar.


You can export the summary information to the required format such as XLS, CSV, and TSV.

  If you want to export the header details, select the With Header check box.


You can generate a PDF report of the summary information.


Click to see/set number of records on a single page.


Following is example of Account Configuration page:



Configuring Balance Reporting involves the following steps:


Specifying account names and groups


Related topics

Viewing account summary


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Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
