

Creating a purchase order

Fusion Cash Management (FCM) allows you to create a PO and add line items to the PO as required.

To create a Purchase Order

1.     Navigate to SCF.

2.     Click PO Center >> Purchase Order. The Purchase Order page is displayed.

3.     Switch to the required buyer or seller mode using the View As dropdown. The grid displays a list of existing purchase orders.

4.     Click Create Purchase Order. The Create Purchase Order page is displayed.

5.     Specify if you want to Create Purchase Order As Buyer or As Seller (On Behalf of a Buyer).

6.     Select the required Package to proceed with the PO entry. The packages are displayed based on the selected mode of PO entry.

7.     Specify the following details:

       Unique ID: Specify a unique value to identify the PO. FCM validates this value to ensure that it is unique within FCM for each client.

       Upload File Image: Click and upload the supporting file, such as Scanned Purchase Order copy.

       Amount: Specify the total amount.

       PO Date: Select the date for the PO.

       Seller: Select the seller who would supply against the PO being raised.
Buyer: Select the buyer who is purchasing the products.

       Batch Number: Specify the batch number. Batch Reference is mandatory in case Finance is requested against the Purchase order and finance request is sent to bank for approval or Risk Manager Approval or special interest rate.

       Remark: Add notes, if any.

Special characters are allowed in the Remarks field.

8.     Specify the Additional Information. Additional information is applicable for the packages for which enrichments are defined.

9.     Specify line items details using Add Row or Wizard method.

For more information on specifying line items. See Adding line items to a PO.

10.  Click Verify to save the changes and submit the PO for approval.

All POs created or modified must be approved. For more details, see  Approving Purchase Orders.


Where to go from here

Adding line items to a PO


Following is example of PO Entry:



Related Topics

Approving a PO

Accepting a PO (created by seller)

Accepting a PO (created by buyer)

Verifying a PO


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Cat ID: FCM4.6-00-U02-1.5.3-201903
