

Specifying the payment details

You can add multiple instruments to a batch payment.


Using the transaction wizard

Importing transactions


Using transaction wizard (Form Layout)

1.     Click Use Transaction Wizard.

2.     Select the required Payment Product. The drop down displays the list of products that are included in the selected mixed payment package. Based on the selected product, you can specify the sender details and transaction details. The fields in each of these sections are based on the selected product.

3.     Specify the following payment details based on the payment product selected:

       For Specifying international payment details.

       For Specifying inter bank payment details.

       For Specifying Physical payment details.

       For Specifying request to transfer details.

       For Specifying WIRE transfer request.

4.     Click Save.

To add multiple accounts, click Save & Add Another.

5.     Click Verify.

Following is example of Payment Details:


Importing transactions

You can upload a file containing multiple transactions.

1.     Click Import Transactions. The Import Transactions pop-up is displayed.

2.     Specify the following details:

       File Format Type: Select the type of file format from drop-down list.

       File Name: Click Choose File and select the file to be attached.

       Upload Options: Select the required option to upload a file. The available options are:




3.     Select the required File and click Import. A list of uploaded files is displayed on the payment details page.

4.     Click Verify to verify and submit the batch payment template.

Following is example of Import Transactions:



Where to go from here

Verifying and submitting a batch payment template



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